Advice about jewellery insurance
Let's face it, you've spent quite a few pennies on your important jewellery pieces, so now you probably want to make sure that they are protected in case of any accidents or misdemeanours. We're here to help you make an informed choice on jewellery insurance.
Deciding on jewellery insurance
Like most insurance decisions, choosing whether to insure your jewellery tends to come down to personal preference. For some people, jewellery insurance isn't important or necessary. For others, it can be an invaluable safety net.
What we say is that often jewellery is very special and sentimental and this could mean that it would be difficult to replace without insurance support. Even if it is just for piece of mind, choosing to use a specialist jewellery insurer allows you to know that your jewellery is protected.
What to mention to your jewellery insurer
It is important to tell your insurer what the replacement value of your jewellery is. With Jeweller's Loupe jewellery, this is the total price you paid for each specific piece. Please note, we do update our prices on a quarterly basis (or sometimes more) to reflect the ever-changing metal prices. This is simply so that we provide a fair price to our customers. With this in mind, it could be useful to check in on our website from time to time in case you need to increase/decrease your replacement value cost.
Some jewellery insurers require you to provide a valuation certificate for each of your jewellery pieces too. The product description and cost of your jewellery (available online) and our Jeweller's Loupe guarantee (including our JL hallmark) should be sufficient for this.
Jewellery Insurers
We recognise T H March as a trusted jewellery insurer. They are a chartered insurance brokers recognised for their ethical, capable and professional practice. They are also appointed brokers to the National Association of Jewellers (NAJ), which we are also a member.
That being said, we also know that many other insurance companies also provide their own specific jewellery insurance policies. So, it is worth chatting to your current home insurance provider to see what they offer. You can add your jewellery to your contents insurance, but be aware that this may increase your premiums.
Need a little more help? Just give us a call on 0113 2748474 or email